Text Keywords - Please select - 10% rule accessory use administration remedies adult entertainment adverse employment action advertisements agricultural uses agritourism amicus brief appeal appraisal appurtenant Banerjee v. Wilmot banning activity building permit camping causal nexus CBA challenged amendments city sign ordinance claim preclusion conditional approvals content based contribution rate Covenant in Gross curtilage decision defamation defamation claims demolition disorderly conduct disparate treatment domicle due process earnable compensation easements eighth amendment electronic records electronicall employment equitable jurisdiction estoppel claims excavation permitting excessive force facial challenge fiduciary responsibility Fifth Amendment final action Firearms Owners' Protection Act firefighters first amendment FLMA leave FMLA eligibility FOPA Fourteenth Amendment Fourth Amendment free speech frontage requirement Garrity Warning gesture of forgiveness government immunity governmental immunity grandfathered junkyards harrasment hold over housing appeals board I immunity impact fees independent contractor intential torts just compensation Lauries List legally-enforceable benefits legitimate interest liability license to carry licensing junk yards manufactured homes median strip money-articles Montenegro NHRS non-budgetary non-money articles nonpublic form nonpublic session parking enforcement petitioned warrant articles political activity procedural requirements procedural safeguards property assessments Proration of taxes public official public property public utility reappointment reckless conduct refund religious signs removal from office reputation residence resignation retaliatory prosecution retirement contribution case retirement reforms retroactively apply Right-to-Know Law RSA 676:17 selectmen recommendations short term rentals site plan social media special exceptions standards for immunity status quo period subdivision approvals subject matter substantive due process taking TCA Telecommunications Act tort liability town meeting warrants unconstitutional interference unfair labor practice unreasonable government intrusion valuations variance voter registration form W-9 Form warrant articles warrantless search water lien workforce housing zoning by-laws April 9, 2010 The reasoning that leads a planning board to deny an application must be clearly stated in the record Motorsports Holdings, LLC v. Town of Tamworth Motorsports Holdings, LLC v. Town of Tamworth March 25, 2010 Court upholds PUC: Nashua may acquire Pennichuck Water Works Appeal of Pennichuck Water Works, Inc. et al. Appeal of Pennichuck Water Works, Inc. et al. March 17, 2010 Adoption of alternate work period for public safety overtime under Fair Labor Standards Act does not require direct notice to employees Calvao v. Town of Framingham, Massachusetts Calvao v. Town of Framingham, Massachusetts March 10, 2010 First Circuit finds no constitutional right for fire chief to complain about budget during press conference at fatal fire scene Foley v. Town of Randolph, Massachusetts Foley v. Town of Randolph, Massachusetts February 25, 2010 Ban on C&D debris combustion is upheld against constitutional challenge Construction Materials Recycling Ass’n et al. v. Burack, Commissioner, et al. Construction Materials Recycling Ass’n et al. v. Burack, Commissioner, et al. February 19, 2010 Planning board decision that conditional approval has expired is subject to 30-day appeal period under RSA 677:15 Collden Corporation v. Wolfeboro Collden Corporation v. Wolfeboro February 17, 2010 Various civil rights claims against two towns and their officials are dismissed Chao-Cheng Teng v. Kensington et al. Chao-Cheng Teng v. Kensington et al. February 11, 2010 Taking claim must be combined with landowner’s superior court appeal from ZBA denial of variance Kalil et al. v. Dummer Kalil et al. v. Dummer February 11, 2010 Should the assessed value of property be enhanced because adjoining land is in current use? The LLK Trust v. Wolfeboro The LLK Trust v. Wolfeboro February 11, 2010 Town is not awarded attorney’s fees for enforcement of excavation standards under RSA 155-E Bedard v. Alexandria Bedard v. Alexandria February 9, 2010 Civil rights claim barred by three-year statute of limitations McNamara v. Nashua McNamara v. Nashua January 29, 2010 Quasi-governmental entities subject to RSA 91-A Professional Firefighters of N.H. v. Local Government Center, Inc. Professional Firefighters of N.H. v. Local Government Center, Inc. January 14, 2010 Medicaid-APTD is not ‘APTD’ and does not bar receipt of local assistance Smith v. Franklin Smith v. Franklin December 31, 2009 Expiration of a use variance is not a ‘taking’ Huard v. Pelham Huard v. Pelham December 16, 2009 A zoning regulation cannot result in an unconstitutional taking of property until the landowner exhausts all opportunities to receive a variance from the regulation Hill-Grant Living Trust v. Kearsarge Lighting Precinct Hill-Grant Living Trust v. Kearsarge Lighting Precinct December 16, 2009 Two cases involving disputed title to land reinforce basic, but important concepts Burke v. Pierro and Coco v. Jaskunas Burke v. Pierro and Coco v. Jaskunas December 16, 2009 A zoning ordinance may validly incorporate a standard from a state administrative rule Ferson-Lake, LLC. v. City of Nashua Ferson-Lake, LLC. v. City of Nashua November 23, 2009 Superior court rules that city has no duty under Right to Know Law to comply with specific request for copies in the form of an e-mail attachment Nolen v. Keene Nolen v. Keene October 20, 2009 New RSA 21:35, II that extends Saturday filing deadlines to Monday does not apply to ZBA appeals filed before its effective date Radziewicz. v. Hudson Radziewicz. v. Hudson October 14, 2009 Police chief and town moderator held not liable for alleged ‘chilling’ of First Amendment rights before and during town meeting Artus, et al. v. Atkinson Artus, et al. v. Atkinson September 17, 2009 Appeals court affirms ruling that municipalities may control access to municipal websites Sutliffe, et al. v. Epping, et al. Sutliffe, et al. v. Epping, et al. August 28, 2009 Federal Court Upholds ZBA Denial of Variance for Cell Tower Industrial Tower and Wireless, LLC v. East Kingston Industrial Tower and Wireless, LLC v. East Kingston July 31, 2009 Appeal of Denial of License to Carry Must Be Brought in District Court Garand v. Town of Exeter Garand v. Town of Exeter July 2, 2009 Developing a Traffic Detour Plan Is a Discretionary Function Appeal of the NH Department of Transportation Appeal of the NH Department of Transportation June 15, 2009 Plead Now or Forever Hold Your Peace:Res Judicata Bars Later Action, Even on Claims That Were Not Raised Bews v. Town of Carroll Bews v. Town of Carroll Pagination « First First page ‹‹ Previous page … 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 … ›› Next page Last » Last page