Technology Services 2021-15

The City of Berlin, will be accepting submissions of proposals through Tuesday August 24, 2021 until 4:30 PM from consultants for the provision of the City’s Technology Services for the City’s networked computer system, equipment and related infrastructure.

All proposals must be addressed to the City Manager's Office, 168 Main Street, Berlin, NH 03570 in an enveloped marked "Technology Services.” 

Interviews may be conducted in an effort to determine the best-qualified firms as part of the evaluation process at no cost to the City. 

The City, through its City Manager, reserves the right to reject any or all proposals where it may serve the City's best interest and to request additional information or clarifications from proposers. 

To review the complete RFP, please visit

City of Berlin
Request for Proposal
Close Date: 
Tuesday, August 24, 2021